What Happens When Someone Gets Arrested?

A DUI arrest in Texas occurred almost 90,000 times in 2011, according to state crime reports. The expensive and embarrassing experience happened to approximately 292 of every 100,000 people in the state that year.

Anyone who drinks and drives needs to know how to get out of jail. A Way Out Bail Bonds has 35 years of getting clients out of jail, specializing in early jail release that limits the amount of time spent in very unpleasant circumstances.

Steps in the Arrest Process

Breaking the law and driving under the influence of alcohol, you give law enforcement the right to put you in jail and to make a record of the arrest. Unpleasant outcomes start to develop quickly after:

  1. a ride in a police car to a jail
  2. photograph for a mug shot
  3. fingerprinting
  4. development of a permanent record that is available to the public

When an officer makes an arrest on the basis of intoxication, the driver may have to spend some time in an area of the jail where accurate blood alcohol testing is provided. The standard procedure then requires incarceration in a jail cell until a judge can set a bond hearing, often requiring an overnight stay.

Contacting a Bail Bondsman

Defendants are allowed to make a phone call to someone who can provide help. Typically, help comes in the form of a bail bondsman who makes arrangements with the court for the release of the defendant. The person who contacts a bail bond service assumes responsibility for making financial arrangements.

Most defendants choose a surety bond as the most effective way to get out of jail ahead of a court date. The full amount of bail is required for release unless a bonding company pledges to pay it for a defendant who does not appear in court.

Making a Plan

A Way Out Bail Bonds provides Dallas bail bonds for drivers who get caught in a DUI arrest. Smart drivers make a note of phone number 214-272-0794 in case help is needed.

Need to Bond Someone Out of Jail?

Dallas County
Fort Worth